Sarah Moon

I am lost in photos making by Sarah Moon.
Texture, surface, seeing, believing, dreaming. It is difficult to summarise Sarah Moon’s fantastical photography - almost thirty years of image making has made Sarah Moon a legend in her own lifetime. Well known for her very personalised commercial work since the early 1970s, Sarah has continued to investigate a world of her own invention without repetition and also without compromise.
Looking into Sarah Moon’s extraordinary photographs is comparable to looking through a two-way mirror. The mirror surface becomes the print and the viewer has the privilege of standing on the ’other-side’ looking through the image at the same time. The living creatures are rendered so ’still’ and conversely the inanimate objects, such as the dolls, become human and expressive with their own inimitable character, ultimately mirroring each other. There is an atmosphere and intensity which is constantly apparent that sets her work apart. It is also the range of subject matter, the banal, the incidental, and the secret that Sarah Moon allows us to see in a new and extraordinary light.
The current trend in photography is towards a method that is more and more interventionist. Moon takes little pleasure in this kind of creation, but is involved in a personal search. The dream world is quintessential to her work; her images lead us into a world bewitched. When men appear, her pictures move towards a more disturbing surrealism and a dangerous mystery is inferred. These are photographs in which the bizarre and unusual confront ordinary reality.
Sarah Moon’s current project Circus brings together the powerful ingredients of fairytale darkness, beauty and tragedy. Michael Hoppen Gallery exhibited Circus for the first time in the United Kingdom in April 2005, and was Moon’s second exhibition at the gallery. The exhibition consisted of 35 toned silver gelatin prints executed on the set of Sarah's recent film Circus, based on Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Match Girl.
---From http://www.michaelhoppengallery.com/
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